
A collection of books, podcasts, and other long-form content that has influenced my thinking. Last updated: Jan 2025


Same as Ever
On phenomenon that never change, because they are so intimately tied to human nature.

13 Necessary Virtues from Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography
Timeless epithets for a virtuous life.

Man’s Search for Meaning
Autobiographical work of a psychologist and holocaust survivor on his outlook on life.

Meditations (Gregory Hays translation)
A reminder to focus on things you can control.

World After Capital
Personal and societal frameworks to grapple with the shifting scarcity from capital in the industrial age to attention in the digital age.

The Revolt of the Public
Ex-CIA analyst’s take on the potential implications of the internet and the resulting proliferation of information on the institution of representative democracy.

What’s Our Problem
“A self-help book for societies” – the book’s subtitle sums it up well. Focused on the gravitation of popular public discourse to the extreme and how to (re-)apply scientific principles to our societies.

Note: I’d recommend reading this book alongside The Revolt of the Public & World After Capital; they all tackle the causes, implications, manifestations, and solutions to information overload, a defining characteristic of early 21st century society.

A refreshing historian’s take on human nature. In an age of accelerating change, useful to remember things that stay (relatively) constant.

When Breath Becomes Air
An incredibly powerful memoir of a surgeon diagnosed with cancer. Disclaimer: You might cry (I know I did).

Enlightenment Now
A detailed overview of the rapid progress we’ve made as a species post-enlightenment (though, I disagree with some of the metrics used to measure progress)

The Hard Things about Hard Things
Honest and unfiltered take on leading and running a company. Love that it discusses failure and the struggle. No sugar coating here.

India after Gandhi
A well-researched book on India’s post-modern history. Helped me appreciate the work that goes into establishing and sustaining a democratic government.


Exploring big questions on decarbonization with an analytical lens, with climate tech industry veteran, Shayle Kann.

Amazing podcast on technology acquisitions and IPOs. I love the founding stories and history that David & Ben surface and the excellent discussion that follows on business strategy and tech trends.

Long-Form Content

Religion for the nonreligious – Wait But Why
A great piece that helps me zoom out and put my life into context. Humbling and freeing.

Howard Marks memos – Oaktree
Each memo underscores the importance of intellectual humility and second-order thinking.

What you’ll wish you’d known – Paul Graham
A reminder to take responsibility and get started.

Neuralink and the brain’s magical future – Wait But Why
Fantastic overview of the promise of brain-machine interfaces.

Morgan Housel’s Writing
Short posts on important topics like optimism, respect, happiness, and wealth (see a few examples here, here, and here)

How to get rich – Naval
On authenticity and comparative advantage.

Mental models – Farnam Street
A great overview of mental models, i.e. frameworks to understand the world.

A guide to using your career to help solve the world’s most pressing problems – 80,000 Hours
An overview of how to maximize your impact through your career from a utilitarian standpoint.

Concepts – Stratechery
Ben Thompson is one of my favorite writers on tech & strategy, and this page serves as a summary of his thinking.

Kurzgesagt videos (not quite long-form, but terrific nonetheless)
Well researched and succinct videos (awesome animation too) that explain complex topics while acknowledging the nuances.

The control group is out of control – Scott Alexander
How subjectivity and personal opinion seeps into science (and all human thought, probably).

Invisible asymptotes – Eugene Wei
An excellent read on identifying limitations that put a ceiling on long-term growth.

Varieties of argumentative experience – Scott Alexander
Essay on what makes for a good argument/debate.