A series of questions on what I consider to be a few of the most pressing issues of our time, largely inspired by this list.
How can we produce abundant, cheap, reliable energy that can support the electrification we need to reach net zero goals?
How can be decarbonize industrial emissions?
Is geo-engineering inevitable? If so, how can we oversee and govern it as a global community?
Human Health & Flourishing
How can we cultivate a citizenry with greater critical thinking capabilities in an age of abundant information?
How can we reliably increase human longevity and health span?
How will the food we eat change over the coming decades?
How can create a great sense of community in urban areas?
How can we redesign urban landscapes to be more human centered?
How can we improve the education system to be more affordable, relevant, and accessible?
Should we be trying harder to address rising income inequality in various parts of the world? If so, can we do that without a detrimental impact on investment and productivity?
The Human Experience
How can live in the current moment while still setting and staying true to our long-term goals?
How can you sustainably be kind to yourself yet push yourself to improve continually?